Uzbekistan Minister of Culture Azadbek Nazarbayev is in our University

Uzbekistan Minister of Culture Azadbek Nazarbayev is in our University

    Minister of Culture Azadbek Nazarbayev visited our University on September 9,2020. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Adnan Yüksel had a short meeting in his office with Minister of Culture Azadbek Nazarbayev.


    Afterwards member of board of trustees Prof. Dr. Bekir Karlığa, President of Marmara Group Foundation Dr. Akkan Suver and joining of Lale Organization President Lawyer Mr.Ahmet Akcan entering into our University Senate hall; Watched a summary version of the 3 episode “Biruni, A civilisation vise” together with T.C. Culture Ministry, Uzbekistan Culture Ministry and İstanbul İnternational Civilsation Research Center (MED-AR).
    Owner of Sinetek Film Studios Mr. Osman Alkan, executive producer of the documentary Mr. Sinan Sakarya and director Mr. Gökhan Ateştürk participated to the meeting.  


    Text by Prof.  Dr.  Written by Bekir Karluğ, the documentary "A Medeniyet Scholar Biruni", which is about Biruni's life, the neighborhood, his scientific activities, works and scientific discoveries, was shot in the cities of Hive, Samarkand and Bukhara, which is the homeland of Biruni.  The documentary, which was prepared by going down to basic sources, includes the findings of 20 scientists about Biruni and around 90 Uzbek cinema and theater artists took part.  The documentary will be released in the near future.  The documentary followed after lunch was served to the guests, making meals have been made between Turkey and Uzbekistan exchanged views on joint scientific and cultural studies are necessary.